‘’Wineries and breweries should brace themselves for some unusual competition. Colorado, which legalized marijuana for recreational use in 2012, will get its first “weedery” in early 2016.’’ (S.Miller, 2015).

Are we gettinghigh?
The Green Men Cannabis is found by Christian Hageseth and is a company in the US located in Denver. Instead of being a dispensary, this company will offer a ‘’purchasable experience’’. In 2016 people can come to the cannabis tours to see how marijuana is grown and get informed about the different strains and flavours before they make a purchase. The interactive tours allows visitors to get a inspiring visit inside one of their greenhouses where they can smell one of the largest legal marijuana brewerie.   cannabis-tours

The essence ofa cannabis tour
Hageseth hopes that the weedery will get rid of the bad image and that people will see it as cannabis that helps people with deseases instead of the image that cannabis is very bad for people. This is a whole new way of approaching cannabis.  Unfortunately cannabis has a very bad reputation, while cannabis is actually a great method to cure people. By giving a cannabis tour people will hopefully develop a new vision about cannabis and finally see how cool it is that a cannabis plant can do such good things for people. It’s also cool because this is the first step to try to change the perspective of something that has a very bad image, as cannabis, into something beautiful. Therefore It can also change the quality of life of somebody. It can help people with diseases to relax and to take a moment for themselves.


This innovation is very cool and eye-opening, because people will see cannabis on a whole other level after this tour. The tour will help to change the bad image of cannabis and it will be seen as a plant that can actually do very good things for humanity.  

Hageseth. (2015). Colorado Cannabis Ranch: like a brewery of winery but for legal marijuana. Geraadpleegd op 14 november 2015 van, https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/colorado-cannabis-ranch#/

C.Gray. (2015). The US’s 1st Weedery is Opening Complete with a Restaurant & Gift Shop. Geraadpleegd op 14 november 2015 van, http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/cannabis-tours

Miller. (2015). Watch out wineries, breweries. Colorado ‘weedery’ to lure visitors. Geraadpleegd op 14 november 2015 van, http://www.seattletimes.com/life/travel/watch-out-wineries-breweries-colorado-weedery-to-lure-visitors/