This bus drives over cars. It helps people to get true the terrible traffic jams, that in particular,  China is very chaotic.

What is it? 

This signal is a ”bus” designed in China. The engineer that is responsible for the project is Bay Zhiming. The Transit Elavated Bus runs on a kind of rails, and the passengers sit slightly higher from the floor. The bus is seen as an alternative to underground, which is faster and has a better construction is much cheaper.

Why is it cool?
The bus has a capacity of 1200 people  help alleviate congestion on the roads and improve commute times for passengers and car users. The bus runs on electricity and is partly powered partly by solar energy. This bus illuminates when driving the road making visibility while driving for other motorists is also good. It runs on electricity and operates by solar energy. They expect you to travel with this bus in 2017.
