Coolhunt 1:   Mindfulness
The coolhunt mindfulness fits best in the physical wellbeing and emotional wellbeing  of the Felce and Perry model. Mindfulness is connected with your health AND your mood. When you are stressed and always worrying about certain things you have a higher level to bump on things such as a burn out, depression high bloodpressure and other diseases that will effect your Quality of Life. The best thing you can do for your mind is not to go to sleep (wich is the most common thing people do when they are stressed) but to do different mindfulness excercises. In contrary with sleeping, adding mindfulness to your lifestyle you will give your mind the change to recharge. With sleeping your brain only process the things that were happened the past day and not recover. When you get more rest in your mind you feel more calm and happy.


Coolhunt 2:   Key-Okay
I think this one fitst best in the material wellbeing and social wellbeing. The material part is that you get the chance to own a nice, sometimes luxury appartment from somebody else. When you want to visit an other city you have the possibility to live in the heart of the center and feel more connected with the city or area you stay in. The social part is that you get to know other people in the city where you staying and get more connections as an example: with business people (when you have a meeting) or locals (when you have to do some research for different city’s) and so on..


Coolhunt 3:   New housing form
This coolhunt fits best by the emotional wellbeing , social wellbeing and the development/activities . The emotional and social part is that nowadays the elderly feel very lonely and neglected. When students get the chance to live with the elderly they have social contact with a different generation. The development and activities are visible in the part that the students helping the elderly with different activities.  Students get more respect for the elderly and learn and get inspired by the stories of the past.  This new housing form is good for the students because they also don’t have to pay for a room and it is good for the elderly because they wont be lonely anymore and always have company.


Coolhunt 4:   Scanadu Scout
I place the  Scanadu Scout by the physical wellbeing, social wellbeing and by the development/activities. The physical side is that you can measure your health with Scanadu Scout. The emotional part is that you are satified with the fact that you can measure yourself that quickly. Nowadays everybody want to know things faster. This gadget gives you more satisfaction because it only takes an half a minute to get your results. The development/activities part is that you have the choice to control your health wherever and whenever you want.


Coolhunt 5:   Moov Now
Moov Now fits the best in the material wellbeing and social wellbeingSocial wellbeing because you can stay connected with your friends while you workout and share your  results with themYou can compete with your friends and compare your results with  other peopleThere is also a level option in Moov Nowwhich means that you can level up whenever you have completed your workoutThis also can be a lot of fun and friends can compete with eachother about these levels. Next to the social part, it is a also a ‘wannahave‘. That means that it is a gadget that many people want to have when their friends have it. The material is very trendy and the design is for ladies and gentlemens of all kind of ages