Scars are in all kind of sizes. Most people get a scar when they had an accident, but there are all kind of reasons what the cause is of a scars. People remove their tattoo and they will get a scar or people can get ill or some other desease which can cause a scar. 

Some scars have a story, which most people can’t even remeber how they got i tand some people will remember the day they got the scar fort he rest of their life. So for some people it is a mark on their body for a lifetime.

What is it?
In the summer of 2015 artist Helëne Gugenheim met Marie. When they were busy changing their clothes, Hëlene noticed that Marie had a big scar on her left chest. By looking at het scar she inmediately had the feeling to do something wit hit. This is how the project of the Parisienne started. The project, called ‘’Mes cicatrices, Je suis d’elles, entrièrement tissé’’. Marie is feeling closely attached with her scar that she  held over after breast cancer surgery.  Helëne paints the scar with gold foil and let it dry to make some photo’s and video’s afterwards.


Why is it cool? 
The technique Kintsugi, or Kintsukuroi is a Japanese method which is used to repain broken pottery. It literally means: recovering in gold. `The earthwork changes the ´scar´ into a visuable artwork. Due the fact that the gold on someones body is not permanent, Helene Gugenheim came up with the idea to put the gold foil on someones scar and put it into a bottle (after the photos and videos were done). ‘The most important thing is that when I give the bottle to a participient, he or she can actually see how valuable the scar is.’ (Guggenheim, 2015).
This coolhunt belongs to the theme ‘beauty idealists and transparation’. People don´t have to feel emberassed for their imperfections but they can be proud of their body and show it tot he world. Im expecting that we will see much more things like this that are relating to imperfection in the future .
The gold painted scar is a nice innovative idea for people who feel insecure about their scar or who feel uncomfortable with it. In this way people can add value to their scar and it can maybe even help people who have an traumatic eperience from their scar.






The gold painted scar is a nice innovative idea for people who feel insecure about their scar or who feel uncomfortable with it. In this way people can add value to their scar and it can maybe even help people who have an traumatic eperience from their scar.