Since human history people love meat and for thousands of years people have relied on animals to make food with meat. There is now found a new way of replacing meat, called Impossible Foods.

Burger from plants
The company Impossible Foods is replacing the hamburgers made of meat in hamburgers that are made of plants. Impossible Foods is developing a new generation of delicious and sustainable meats and cheeses where ‘meat’ is entirely made from plants.

The products from Impossible Foods has the same taste and texture of animal products, but has no cholesterol, hormones and antibiotics in it. For developing the Impossible Foods burger there are also no slaughterhouses involved and there is far less land, water and energy required to produce the product.


Animal Friendly
This new kind of food is very innovative because it might be a revolutionary idea that meat will be replaced by something else where animals dont have to suffer anymore. There are alot of discussions about eating animals fort he past couple of decades and now there is finally a solution for it that can save millions of animal lifes. It also helps people to become more healthier because of the different phytonutrients. Consumers becoming more conscious of their food and want to know exactly what is in a product and whether it is relevant to them.

Impossible Burger is a great solution for replacing meat. The only question is if it can compeed to the taste of hamburgers that are made of real meat and if people eventually will choose an Impossible Burger instead of the meat burgers.
