What is it?

The Moov Now is a watch that is like a intelligent personal trainer. It is a wearable band that can connect with your smartphone.

The Moov Now has a beautiful design and does more than only counting your steps from the past day. It also keeps a record of your sleeping behaviour. The Moov Now mainly gets used by athletes, because the bracelet gives you all of the tracking results from your workout. If you connect your headset there is a function that will talk to you, make suggestions and keeps you motivated. If you stress out certain bodyparts, it wil warn you with an notification system. Moov Now can be used for running, but also for swimming and other activities.

Why is it cool?
In comparison with other versions, the battery of the Moov Now has a life duration of at least 6 months. This is because the Moov now uses a high quality of a watch battery. It is cool because you can use the Moov Now to measure your results in all kind of different sports. The five sports are running, swimming, cycling, boxing and a seven-minute bodyweight workout and you can do it wherever you want to.

Coach function
An other great thing of the Moov Now is that it has a coach-function. This means that you will hear a voice that instructs you while you work out and it will help you with how to improve your form in levels. All the sports has a different program with certain levels, such as you have 69 different levels and five programs for Running. These programs consists of different goals, like burning calories or increasing speed.

Added value for Quality of Life
Nowadays a lot of people are very busy with their work, school or other fulltime activities. They have very little time left to do sports and they miss the motivation to go out after a long day at work. The Moov Now is a very good solution to solve this problem, because you can easily do your workout whenever you want and when you miss some motivation, the voice inside of the watch will give you a motivational speech. In my opinion it has a great future perspective because it meets all the requirements to obtain a certain quality of life. With the watch people can share their achievements online and motivate eachother. It fits by the Internet of Things because devices are getting more connect with us and with each other. It is also linked with the Quantified self and inline because it is connected with your smartphone and makes it an Inline product. I think that this gadget with these kind of features is something what will become more important in the future.


Caris, R.(2015). Moov Now: slimme tracker die meer kan dan stappen tellen. Geraadpleegd op 17 september 2015, van http://androidworld.nl/wearables/moov-now/

Magee, C. (2015). Moov Now is an artificially intelligent personal trainer. Geraadpleegd op 15 september 2015, van http://techcrunch.com/2015/07/16/moov-now-is-an-artificially-intelligent-personal-trainer/

Moov Now (z.d.) Homepage. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2015, van http://welcome.moov.cc/?gclid=CN7gkLqi_scCFRSeGwodAZsCTQ

Moov. (2015, 16 juli).  Meet MOOV NOW- The World’s Most Advanced Fitness Wearable. [Videobestand]. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2015, van https://www.youtube.comwatch?v=3Ef95nAHFAs