What is it?

Since two years students have the chance to live for free in the retirement home in Deventer. But the students have  the condition that they have to help the elderly for 30 hours per month. They help the elderly with things such as cooking, chores and sit with the elderly to keep them company. Back then it used to be quite normal if several generations lived in one housing form. But nowadays people go their own way, and raise their own family without having their parents and grandparents to look after.
Why is it cool?

I think this is a very good and beautiful idea. The elderly in the retirement home often feel very lonely of neglected by their family because they don’t always have enough time to visit their parents or grand parents.


We have to encourage and share this idea with places and coutry’s where elderly people also feel very lonely. Students can learn a lot from elderly people because they have a lot of life experiences and students are aware of the latest developments like technology as an example. This new housing form fitst by Togetherness because the young and old can live and learn from each other, I think this speaks for itself.

So the conclusion of this idea is that the elderly no longer feel lonely and students can live for free in their college town on a certain condition.



Rode Kruis, (z.d.). Aandacht en tijd geven aan ouderen. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2015, van http://www.rodekruis.be/wat-kan-jij-doen/word-vrijwilliger/wat-kan-je-doen/aandacht-en-tijd-geven-aan-ouderen/

Leeuwerink, M (2015). Nieuwe woonvormen, nieuwe maatschappij. Geraadpleegd op 16 september 2015, van http://www.extendlimits.nl/nieuws/artikel/nieuwe_woonvormen_nieuwe_maatschappij#sthash.l2eoj8fo.dpuf