For the first time in history there will be coming glasses in virtual reality. This new innovative product will be released in 2016 and it brought a lot of other companies to the idea to start a replica version of it for all kind of different markets.

Oculus what?
The Oculus Rift is a virtual reality display headset. It has two glasses inside that will give you the illusion that you are watching at a 3 dimension screen. The Oculus Rift wants to make it possible to experience anything, anywhere, through the power of virtual reality. It has a 1080×1200 wide LCD-view which makes it look like a 3D world. With the Oculus Rift you can play all kind of games, watch great movies that seems to be real and much more. It’s like 3D glasses, but the added value is that you can go to a virtual place (in a game or movie) where you will really experience all kind of things just as in real life. The Oculus Rift was initially proposed in a Kickstarter campagin where the inventors raised more then 2 million for the development of the Oculus Rift and it will be released in 2016. The Oculus Rift has the ability to bring people together in a new online world.

What makes the Oculus Rift cool?
There are several points that makes the Oculus Rift so cool. First thing is that you can watch VR movies (VR movies are movies which will give you a in real life experience) and play your favourite games where you will really have a ‘in-game’ experience. What’s also very cool is that you have the possibility to jump to a destination on the other side of the world thanks to Google Maps. You can walk in the Google Maps world and explore wherever you want to. It’s also a added value for the Quality of Life, because people who are stressed out and want to take a moment for themselves, they can just put the Oculus Rift on and experience a whole different world in 3 dimension. Maybe it’s even possible to do Yoga classes with the Oculus Rift in the future? Or what do you think about going on a vacation to Santa Monica Beach while sitting in your living room?!

The Oculus Rift will bring the people a virtual reality world which can be very interesting for all kind of markets. As an example: think about walking through a museum with a Oculus Rift where you can experience art on a whole other level. Or what about going on a vacation or a new learning method for students? In a word, the Oculus Rift is a new innovation which is in a development phase. It’s clear that the oppertunities are infinite and it will literally open a new world.

Florian. (2013). Oculus Rift: Alle details op een rij. Geraadpleegd op 16 november 2015 van,

Kruyt. (2015). Virtual reality-bril Oculus Rift ligt in 2016 in de winkels. Geraadpleegd op 16 november 2015 van,

W. van Noort. (2014). Hoe virtualrealitybril Oculus Rift veel overhoop gaat halen. Geraadpleegd op 16 november 2015 van,